Dental Exams
Dental exams are designed to catch early signs of dental health problems before they can cause serious or long-term damage to your health. A dental exam can also identify gum disease when it is at its most treatable and often reversible stage: gingivitis. Our Beverly Hills dental exams specialist recommends that most patients visit at least every six months. Smokers, pregnant women and those with certain health conditions may need more frequent checkups in order to preserve their dental health.
Many people delay or even skip their biannual dental exams, particularly if they experience anxiety. However, it is just as important to visit our specialist for dental exams in Beverly Hills as it is to visit your health care practitioner for routine checkups and physicals. In fact, untreated tooth decay or gum disease can result in tooth and bone loss or widespread infection that can affect your entire body.
Expert in Dental Exams Beverly Hills
Most dental conditions are highly preventable through good education. At your next checkup, our Beverly Hills dental exams specialist will provide you with the information you need to keep your teeth strong and your gums healthy. A well-balanced diet, fluoridated water, good dental hygiene and checkups are all important. Brush your teeth twice daily or after meals and floss at least once a day to remove the plaque buildup and bacteria that contribute to dental disease. A professional cleaning every six months can help remove buildup in those hard-to-reach areas.
Our specialist for dental exams in Beverly Hills will also examine your teeth for any signs of cavities or gum disease and check your restorations. If any signs of concern or dental conditions are identified, we will develop a treatment plan that will consider your needs and goals in order to restore your dental health.
Contact our dentist in Beverly Hills today to learn more or to schedule your appointment.